Ticket to childhood: a novel

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Ticket khổng lồ ChildhoodbyNguyen Nhat Anh

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Ticket lớn Childhood
Author: Nguyen Nhat Anh
Genre: Novel
Written: 2008 (Eng. 2014)
Length: 155 pages
Original in: Vietnamese
Availability: Ticket to lớn Childhood - US
Ticket to lớn Childhood - UK
Ticket khổng lồ Childhood - Canada
Ticket to Childhood - India
Vietnamese title: đến tôi xin một vé đi tuổi thơTranslated by Will Naythons

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Our Assessment:B : reasonably charming -- if a bit too laboredly so

See our đánh giá for fuller assessment.

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Please note that these ratings solely represent the complete review"s biased interpretation & subjective opinion of the actual review and bởi vì not claim khổng lồ accurately reflect or represent the views of the reviewers. Similarly the illustrative quotes chosen here are merely those the complete review subjectively believes represent the tenor và judgment of the review as a whole. We acknowledge (and remind & warn you) that they may, in fact, be entirely unrepresentative of the actual review by any other measure.

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The complete review"s Review:

Ticket lớn Childhood is a short meditation on past và present, the adult narrator looking back at a more carefree time, when he was eight, & comparing childhood perspectives on the world with those of adult experience. As he notes, he takes his liberties with the anecdotes and stories he relates, admitting to lớn embellishment, as when cellphones figure prominently in one recollection. As he then notes in the next chapter:There were no cellphones when I was eight ! But authors sometimes have lớn adjust the facts for the sake of their drama, or their dreams, or to lớn make a point. I also can"t be sure that there were instant noodles when I was eight. Were there ? Did we have fast food in Vietnam then ? I can"t remember, even though I claim they were my favorite food.

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He also admits: "I was a boy with a short attention span. I was always distracted by something else." Part of the appeal of this narrative is how it similarly flows with childish distraction, including in moving back & forth between the present & the past, reflection & events. Childhood friends he describes figure in the present too -- the narrator changing some of their names khổng lồ appease them ("I"m a family man ! I"m a CEO ! You can"t describe me lượt thích this !" one complains). As the narrator"s use of cellphones before their time already suggested, he does not see reality as fixed and permanent, & both names và facts are easily substitutable. Indeed, one of the recollections he shares is of changing language itself in a childish game of substituting one word for another: "We wanted to rename everything in the universe as if we had just created it". After all:we need lớn reject the arbitrary rules invented by grownups. Why should we gọi a dog a dog ? Because "a dog is a dog" ? If the first man had called a dog a banana, we should now gọi it a banana. It"s just foolish conformity.Slight & meandering, Ticket to lớn Childhood is an amiable tour of childhood by an adult who has held onto that playful side of himself. Occasionally it feels lượt thích Nguyen is trying a bit too hard (and given how slim the book is, even occasionally comes to lớn feel rather too prevailingly), but he does have a deft touch for capturing that sly childish waggishness and it makes for an agreeable little work.- M.A.Orthofer
, 2 December 2014

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Ticket to Childhood
:Overlook publicity pageReviews:Kirkus ReviewsLos Angeles review of BooksPublishers WeeklyShelf AwarenessToronto StarOther books of interest under review:See Index of South East Asian literature

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About the Author:

Vietnamese author Nguyễn Nhật Ánh was born in 1955.

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