Robot or human?

Bio‑Oil researches và develops specialist skincare products, using oil khổng lồ achieve superior hàng hóa performance. The brand is known as Bio‑Oil® in all countries other than Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Slovakia and Switzerland where the name Bi-Oil® is used & in japan where the name Bioil® is used.

Bạn đang xem: Robot or human?


In 1987 Bio‑Oil pioneered using oil to lớn help improve the appearance of scars & stretch marks. At the time almost every sản phẩm on the shelf was either a cream or a lotion, & the sản phẩm was met with much scepticism. Today the sản phẩm is the world’s leading scar & stretch mark product. In 2010 Bio‑Oil mix up a specialist laboratory dedicated to researching how oil could be used lớn treat other skin concerns. In 2018 an oil-based gel for dry skin was launched & in 2020 a scar và stretch mark product made from 100% natural oils was launched. In 2021 a high-oil cream moisturiser will be brought khổng lồ market. Bio‑Oil focuses exclusively on research, with the selling và distribution of its products licensed lớn leading skincare companies around the world. For information on Bio‑Oil products, please visit your local pharmacy.

Scars và stretch marks

Xem thêm: Bộ Lấy Ráy Tai Chuyên Nghiệp, Bậc Thầy Lấy Ráy Tai Chuyên Nghiệp

Oil has the remarkable ability lớn improve the skin. How and why, is not completely understood as the benefits of oil are mostly known only through folklore. Bio‑Oil® Skincare Oil was the first oil to be submitted to lớn clinical trials and prove that it could improve the appearance of scars & stretch marks. It was the success of these trials that prompted doctors and pharmacists around the world lớn begin recommending the product. Today Bio‑Oil® Skincare Oil is the world’s leading scar and stretch mark product with over 400 skincare awards khổng lồ its name.


The best way lớn solve dry skin is with an occlusive layer on the skin that stops moisture escaping. Traditional dry skin products (creams, lotions and butters) contain on average around 20% oil, wax or butter for this purpose. Bio‑Oil® Dry Skin Gel contains 84%. Since its global rollout began in 2018, Bio‑Oil® Dry Skin Gel has won skincare hàng hóa of the year in the UK, France, Italy & Spain.

With the increasing demand for pregnancy skincare products khổng lồ be made from 100% natural ingredients, Bio‑Oil has developed a scar and stretch mark sản phẩm using natural oils only. Clinical trial results showed the hàng hóa to be as effective as Bio‑Oil"s original scar & stretch mark product, making it the first time a natural sản phẩm has been proven to match the performance of a category-leading product. Bio‑Oil® Skincare Oil (Natural) began its global rollout in 2020.

The ideal toàn thân moisturiser should absorb instantly & leave no greasy residue, making it possible to lớn get dressed immediately. Technically this is very difficult because moisturisation requires leaving an oily layer on the skin to lớn help hold in moisture. Bio‑Oil has developed a high-oil body toàn thân lotion that leaves no greasy residue, just an invisible silky layer on the skin. Bio‑Oil® body toàn thân Lotion begins its global rollout in q.2 2021.

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