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Tổng hòa hợp từ vựng và cấu trúc câu sử dụng cho IELTS Writing Task 2


Để tiếp thu kiến thức thuận lợi, ở đây, IELTS Fighter đang chia100 kết cấu thành6 nhóm, phân chia học theo một tuần 1 nhóm. Vày thế, các bạn hãy phân chia thời hạn để học và ghi nhớ cực tốt nhé.

Hy vọng, sau6 tuần tất cả chúng ta sẽ ở lòng không còn những các thông dụng này và thực hiện chúng thật thạo nhé các bạn!


1. S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to bởi vì something(quá....để mang lại ai làm cho gì...)


This structure is too easy for you to remember.

He ran too fast for me to lớn follow.

2. S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quá... Cho nỗi mà...)


This box is so heavy that I cannot take it.

He speaks so soft that we can’t hear anything.

3. It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V(quá... đến nỗi mà...)

E.g: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it.

It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all.

4. S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something. (Đủ... Mang lại ai đó làm cho gì...)


She is old enough to get married.

They are intelligent enough for me khổng lồ teach them English.

5. Have/ get + something + done (VpII)(nhờ ai hoặc mướn ai có tác dụng gì...)


I had my hair cut yesterday.

I’d like to have my shoes repaired.

6. It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It’s +time +for someone +to vì chưng something(đã mang đến lúc ai đó buộc phải làm gì...)


It is time you had a shower.

It’s time for me lớn ask all of you for this question.

7. It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something(làm gì... Mất từng nào thời gian...)


It takes me 5 minutes to lớn get to school.

It took him 10 minutes to vì this exercise yesterday.

8. To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngăn cản ai/cái gì... Không có tác dụng gì..)


I can’t prevent him from smoking

I can’t stop her from tearing

9. S + find+ it+ adj to vì something(thấy ... để triển khai gì...)


I find it very difficult to lớn learn about English.

They found it easy to overcome that problem.

10. Lớn prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to lớn + N/ V-ing. (Thích chiếc gì/làm gì hơn chiếc gì/ có tác dụng gì)


I prefer dog to lớn cat.

I prefer reading books to watching TV.

11. Would rather + V­ (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thích làm cái gi hơn làm gì)


She would rather play games than read books.

I’d rather learn English than learn Biology.

12. Khổng lồ be/get Used to + V-ing(quen làm gì)


I am used khổng lồ eating with chopsticks.

13. Used khổng lồ + V (infinitive)(Thường làm những gì trong qúa khứ và bây chừ không có tác dụng nữa)


I used lớn go fishing with my friend when I was young.

She used khổng lồ smoke 10 cigarettes a day.

14.To be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing ( quá bất ngờ về....)

She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident.

15.To be angry at + N/V-ing (tức giận về)

His father was very angry at his bad marks. (Bố anh ấy khôn xiết tức giận vì anh ấy bị điểm thấp.)

Câu đảo ngữ:

Từ vựng và cấu tạo topic Family:


16. To be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing (giỏi về.../ kém về...)

I am good at baking.

I used to be bad at Math.

17. By chance = by accident (adv) (tình cờ)

I found this briefcase by accident, I didn’t know that was yours.

18. To be/get tired of + N/V-ing (mệt mỏi về...)

I was tired of doing the same task over and over again.

She soon got tired of her boss ignoring her.

19. Can’t help / resist + V-ing (không nhịn được thiết kế gì...)

She couldn’t help buying all the clothes in the shop.

The boy can’t resist eating that chocolate bar.

20. To be keen on/ khổng lồ be fond of + N/V-ing (thích làm gì đó...)

I’m keen on kích hoạt movies such as Avengers: Endgame.

I used khổng lồ be fond of noisy places like bars và clubs.

21. Khổng lồ be interested in + N/V-ing (quan trung khu đến...)

The buyer is very interested with our offer.

22. To lớn waste + time/ money + V-ing (tốn tiền hoặc thời hạn làm gì)

I don’t want you khổng lồ waste time playing clip games.

The company wasted a lot of money on setting up a new location.

23. To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing (dành bao nhiêu thời hạn làm gì…)

She spent a lot of time hanging out in shopping malls.

Our family has spent a lot of money on fixing that roof.

24. Khổng lồ give up + V-ing/ N (từ vứt làm gì/ dòng gì...)

My dad gave up smoking years ago.

25. Would like/ want/wish + to bởi something (muốn có tác dụng gì...)

I would like to go khổng lồ a fancy restaurant.

I want to lớn have some warm milk for breakfast.

I wish khổng lồ earn more money this year.

Xem thêm: Bán Hạt Giống Cỏ Chăn Nuôi Tốt Nhất Hiện Nay, Bảng Giá Hạt Giống Cỏ Chăn Nuôi

26. Have + (something) to + Verb (có cái gì đó để làm)

I have a lot of homework to bởi vì today.

27. It + be + something/ someone + that/ who (chính...mà...)

It is this hospital that I was born in.

It is Minh who used to lớn be my math teacher.

28. Had better + V(infinitive) (nên làm cho gì....)

She had better go back lớn college.

29. Avoid + N/V-ing (tránh ai hay việc gì)

You can’t avoid responsibilities at work.

I know that you’re mad, but you can’t avoid your mom forever.

30. It’s + too + adj + to lớn + V-infinitive (quá … để gia công gì)

It’s too hot lớn go out today, let’s stay inside.

Để cùng học tập công dụng hơn, chúng ta cùng tham gia group IELTS Fighter - cung ứng học tập nhé:



31. Take place = happen = occur (xảy ra)

The match took place at My Dinh Stadium last week.

32. To lớn be excited about (thích thú)

I was extremely excited about going to japan for the first time.

33. Khổng lồ be bored with/ fed up with (chán dòng gì/làm gì)

I was fed up with paying bills in the city, so I moved back khổng lồ my hometown.

34. There is + N-số ít, there are + N-số các (có mẫu gì...)

There is a cup of tea on the table.

There are many people sitting in the living room now.

35. Feel like + V-ing (cảm thấy thích có tác dụng gì...)

Yesterday, I felt lượt thích going out for a drink, so I called the girls up.

36. Expect someone to vày something (mong ngóng ai làm gì...)

My teacher expects me lớn admit cheating, but I won’t.

37. Advise someone to vày something (khuyên ai có tác dụng gì...)

My doctor advised the man to lớn stop drinking.

38. Go + V-ing (chỉ các trò tiêu khiển..)

I went swimming the other night at the beach.

39. Leave someone alone (để ai yên...)

I wish you could leave me alone for a second!

40. By + V-ing (bằng phương pháp làm...)

By paying atttention throughout the course, Jane has passed the exam as the đứng top scorer.

41. Decide + khổng lồ + V-infinitive

My father has decided to lớn purchased a new oto for the family.

42. For a long time = for years = for ages (đã những năm rồi)

I haven’t seen you for ages!

43. When + S + V-ed, S + was/were + V-ing.

When I reached home, my mother was cooking dinner.

44. When + S + V-ed, S + had + Pii

When I reached home, my mother had already set up our dinner.

45. Before + S + V-ed, S + had + Pii

Before I reached home, my mother had already mix up our dinner.


46. After + S + had +Pii, S + V-ed

After my sister had done her homework, she went to lớn bed.

47. Lớn be crowded with (rất đông vật gì đó...)

Hanoi is often crowded with tourists.

48. To be full of (đầy vật gì đó...)

I can see that you are full of joy today.

49. Lớn be seem + adj

Everybody seems so relaxed since it’s almost Tet festival.

50. Except for/ apart from (ngoài, trừ...)

All students can go home, except for Peter.

Apart from Math, your final results are pretty good.

51. As soon as (ngay sau khi)

As soon as you return home, feed the cat.

52. To lớn be afraid of (sợ dòng gì..)

I used lớn be afraid of spiders when I was a child.

53. Can / could hardly (hầu như không thể)

I could hardly hear what you are saying, it’s so loud in here.

54. Have difficulty + V-ing (gặp khó khăn làm gì...)

We had some difficulties while doing the project.

55. Suggest sb bởi vì something (gợi ý mang lại ai đó làm gì)

The doctor suggest the patient take regular exercises.

56. In which = where; on/at which = when

This is the house where I grew up.

It was last week when I had finished school.

57. Put + up + with + V-ing (chịu đựng...)

I can no longer put up with this noise.

58. Make use of + N/ V-ing (tận dụng vật gì đó...)

Try lớn make use of the extra flour, you can make some amazing cakes.

59. Get + adj/ Pii (làm đồ vật gi hoặc trở đề xuất thế như thế nào đó)

I had better get things done this week before the upcoming holiday.

60. Make progress (tiến bộ...)

The family was estatic as their son had made some progress since they last saw him.


61. Take over + N (đảm nhiệm loại gì...)

As she was visiting our grandparents, my mother let me take over the house until she got home.

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