‍♀️stop saying "i'm fine, thank you"

This is what I learned from the middle school lisinoprilfast.com class 10 years ago as the correct way khổng lồ respond to lớn "How are you?". The textbook was co-published by Longman, I suppose it was British lisinoprilfast.com. When I go abroad I find few people say this.

Bạn đang xem: ‍♀️stop saying "i'm fine, thank you"

Is this saying old fashioned or outdated?



I am fine, thank you. & you? is still used, but I consider it khổng lồ be overly formal. It could also be considered very polite, however, and I would probably use a phrase similar lớn this as a response when being introduced lớn someone older than me, like a friend"s parent or grandparent, for instance.

In the US, the short version of this phrase is a common response, especially with people you already know or see often: Fine, thanks. You?


Strangely, this phrase is in great use but most of the users are new lớn lisinoprilfast.com. This particular response will almost immediately flag you as learning the language and people will very likely tone down their vocabulary và talking speed in an attempt khổng lồ make things easier for you. It has the same vibe as, "My name is Matthew. What is your name?" or asking a child, "How old are you? Are you five?"

If you want a more commonplace phrase I think both HaL và snumpy have good suggestions.



While it is a perfectly acceptable answer in both the US và Britain, it is rarely used nowadays. Responses vary wildly depending on where you are and to whom you are speaking (race và age & environment (rural/suburban/urban) all seem lớn have an effect on the exact rendition of this basic greeting).

Xem thêm: Top 10 Mẫu Kính Cận Đẹp Cho Nam Đẹp Nhất, Gọng Kính Nam Giá Tốt Tháng 10, 2021 Kính Mắt Nam

I believe the most standard response would be:

Fine, thanks. & you?

Though my generation typically entertains the following salutation:

Sup? (or Whassup?) Not much. You? Not much.

As for many expressions, words, idioms, etc regarding a language, it"s also a metter of context and situation.

If you talk to your friends you can even end up saying "Hey, sup?" but with someone you must give respect to, you are much more likely to use the expression you mentioned.

This is not the only thing to lớn consider but I wanted lớn emphasize it.

Actually no one ever says "Fine, thanks & you" in America. Everyone one always says "I"m good." I find it funny that the Spanish teachers in the school I work at teach "fine thanks và you."

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