Baltimore’s Historic Mt. Vernon neighborhood has a new hub for health...introducing Good Part and Company.

Bạn đang xem: Fresh&co

Good Part và Co. Is a lifestyle brand focused on making healthy living cool và convenient by offering plant based food alternatives.

This brick and mortar cà phê concept is part of a vision that sees our community improving its unique of life starting from the inside out.


About Good Part & Co.

We believe the journey toward self-improvement starts from within, therefore what we eat is of extreme importance. A plant based diet not only heals but optimizes our bodies khổng lồ achieve all levels of improvement & live life khổng lồ the fullest.

Our mission is khổng lồ remove the shroud of difficulty và judgement from eating healthy, plant-based foods by making healthy lifestyles cool và convenient.

Xem thêm: Lan Gieo Hạt Là Gì - Kỹ Thuật Nuôi Trồng Lan Gieo Hạt Và Nuôi Cấy Mô


This is what so many Good Partners have been waiting for!

The option to order your favorite juices ahead of time with no commitment to a juice cleanse and no worries that juice will be sold out in-store.

You can have your favorite juices a few days week with a one time pre-order.

Save an additional 10% when you subscribe và pick them up weekly.

Pre-orders are available in 3 & 5 juice bundles.


by popular demand

Have a look at our most popular smoothies và smoothie bowls. All plant-based & made lớn order.



Are you curious about the benefits of juicing? Interested in learning more about juicing ingredients? Ready to invest in a juicer for your home?

We can help with all three & much more with our e-book “JUICE bởi vì IT : The Good Part Guide to Juicing at Home”. To lớn receive a FREE click the button below.

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